Tutorial: Getting Started

Read a detailed tutorial about where get started adding your content to Piano Music Database.

Overall, your flow when adding content should always start with adding publisher(s), then composer(s), then collection(s), and finally work(s) with the preceding data. Below we go into more detail:

    Add a publisher page first if

  • you are a publisher and want to add music from multiple composers

  • you are a composer whose music is published by a publisher

  • you publish your music using a separate entity

A publisher page acts like a hub for all of the music by a publishing company's composers. It displays a logo, description, links, collections, and pieces. When our users find a publisher page, they're quickly able to learn about your music and locate everything else you have in the database.

If you are self-published, or have already made your publisher page, make your composer page(s) next.

A composer page acts like a hub for all of a composer's on Piano Music Database. It displays a bio, image, collections, and pieces. When our users find a composer's page, they're quickly able to learn about them and locate everything else they have in the database.

If the works you want to list are published as a part of a collection of works, create the collection first.

A collection is a grouping of piano pieces that are published together as a single book. You may see them referred to elsewhere as compilations, anthologies, or sets. Our usage of the word collections is broad and encompasses both books of sheet music by many different composers that are collected together and edited by an editor, or sets of pieces by a single composer that were published together, or even multi-movement works, like suites, or sonatas. Having collections in the database helps our users understand in what books the pieces are located.

After you have made all relevant publishers, composers, and collections, you can then list your works.

Works are piano pieces which can be single movements from large-scale multi-movement works and suites, individually published stand-alone pieces, or pieces within collections.

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