Halloween Favorites, Book 2
Composed by
Published in 2012 by
Throughout the years, Alfred Music and Myklas Music Press have published solos for the Halloween season that have become favorites of both students and teachers. The pieces included in this series represent the most popular and effective solos drawn from the catalogues of both companies. Divided into four graded collections, outstanding works are included. Book 2 includes pieces appropriate for elementary to late elementary students. Reading range includes notes above and below the grand staff, and mobility around the keyboard is required. Other challenges include using the damper pedal in simple ways, playing in compound meter, and reading dotted quarter notes as well as easy eighth-note passages.
ISBN-10: 0-7390-9103-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-7390-9103-6
In This Collection
11 Total, 10 Shown Below
11 Total, 10 Shown Above